More or Less?

  • More or Less is a verbal group game for at least two players.
  • Among its players the game is also known as "running short of adjectives." You will find out below why.
  • One of the players (it) has a word, which can be anything; an object, a concept, even a proper name. Starting with objects is recommended for beginners, though.
  • Other players make a guess in turns. In response to each guess, the It responds by comparing 'the word' and 'the guess' and says "it's more... than a [guess]". In the response the It has to use a new comparative adjective for every new guess. The player who finds 'the word' picks a new word and the game continues.
  • Let's say the It has 'table' as the word, then the game could go like this:


-Bigger than a book.

-Lighter than a building.

-More rigid than a newspaper.

-Less vertical than a door.
